Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Seriously, people?

So, as I sit here in my comfy berliner room, I get to read the news and I find myself shaking my head in disbelief.

I see (virtual) pages worth of caliber newspapers supporting the typical summer craze for perfect bodies, and the stigma for less-perfect ones (what is "perfect" is nowhere to be specified).

I see the recent homophobic law passed in Russia is bearing the fruit everybody knew it woud bear, with gay and lesbian couples being arrested for "gay propaganda" for simply being out in public together.

I see the discussion about an anti-homophobia law being stalled in the Italian parliament and mostly dismissed as a less-urgent problem. Sure, the country has a million other issues that require attention, but I don't understand what bad could it be for the country to get a breath of fresh air, new rights, and possibly some optimism amongst a catastrophic, depressing scenario.

Sometimes it feels like there's no hope. As if we were doomed to be harsh to each other, and to fail to put ourselves in our next of kin's shoes.

"Is it easier to love or to hate?", asks a question on a renowned dating website I keep a profile on. My answer is "Love", and I feel like repeating the comment I made to that question. This is Wikipedia's definition for hatred. Do people really find it easier to foster such negative and destructive feelings? Easier than to feel connected, to care about, to be empathetic to your fellow human beings?

What is it that makes differences appear so threatening to so many people? Why are so many of us secluded in what we believe to be right and indignant of anything that seems not right as a consequence?

Why are so many of us all about "me" and not enough about "us"?

Accepting differences doesn not make you any less you. If anything, it can make for more friendship.

There's nothing to be afraid of, really.

Bright notes: life is beautiful, Berlin is loving me! I went to the park with some friends on Sunday and we had a wonderful time. I'm still awaiting the response from my latest job interview and the anticipation is killing me. I'm trying to be ready for a negative answer, but also piling up hopes for a positive one. Thrilling!

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