Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ich bin hier!

Hallo liebe Leute!

So, some time has passed since my last blog entry. The last two weeks have been packed with events. I have completed the A1 level at my local Sprachschule, and of course we had a test to wrap the module up. It went great! I scored 81/85, I'm proud of my linguistic talent. :)

After the test we -- classmates plus lovely Lehrerin -- had a picnic at Treptower Park, where we had a chance to talk about all the sort of things we never had a chance to talk about in class. It was sweet! I found out many of my classmates actually have some strong interests I share too.

Me, on a bike, along a preserved
Berlin mauer @Mauerpark
The following week I had a sweet guest, as my boyfriend came visiting. We've been quite the tourists, although a lot remains to be seen. The story of the city is tremendously intriguing in every little bit. Even understanding how the existing subway lines were modified after the erection of the wall is fascinating.

It's the little things that give the sense of what a ridiculous effort was put into splitting an entire city in two parts, and how silly it seems today.

It's also heart warming to consider what the city is today: it's welcoming, it's permeated with a deep sense of community, it's the land of sharing! I love the spirit, it's full of hope and faith in humankind. Yes, I'm aware this may well be the inaccurate vision of somebody who's only been in Berlin for a couple months. :)

Anyway. The boyfriend is now gone, and while long distance relationships are tough, talking openly of anything wrong, or bad, or sad is one good way to keep it goin'. But then, this goes for any kind of relationship, sentimental or not. :)

School has started gain! And I still have some days to wait before knowing whether I'll have a job in September or not. Will you please cross your fingers?

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